The Best Tips for Septic Tank Maintenance and Treatment

Septic Tank Inspection

Septic tanks are essential components of any property that does not have access to a centralized sewer system. These tanks are intended to collect and treat wastewater from domestic plumbing before discharging it into the soil for additional treatment. Unfortunately, septic tanks can become blocked or destroyed over time, causing serious complications. Frequent septic tank maintenance and treatment is thus required to keep them operational and to avoid costly repairs.

In this blog, we will discuss the importance of septic tank inspection and treatment, the signs that your septic tank needs attention, and what you can do to keep your septic system in good condition.

Why Septic Tank Inspection and Treatment is Important?

Septic Tank Inspection and Treatment

Septic tank inspection and treatment are necessary to ensure that your sewage system is operating properly. A clogged septic tank can cause a variety of issues, including:

Health Hazards

A malfunctioning septic system might endanger you and your family’s health. The effluent from a septic tank includes hazardous germs and viruses that can cause serious sickness.

Property Damage

A faulty septic tank can cause harm to your property. For example, wastewater can back up into your house, causing damage to your flooring, walls, and other belongings.

Costly Repairs 

Repairing a damaged septic system can be expensive. Regular inspections and maintenance can prevent significant repairs, saving you money in the long run.

Signs that Your Septic Tank Needs Attention

 Septic Tank Needs Attention

Slow Drains 

If your sinks, showers, and toilets are draining slowly, it might be an indication that your septic tank is full and needs to be drained.

Foul Odors

If you smell a foul odor emanating from your septic tank or drain field, this might signal a problem with your septic system.

Standing Water

Standing water in your drain field or near your septic tank may indicate that your septic system is blocked or damaged.

Lush Green Grass 

While it may appear contradictory, a lush, green area of grass in your drain field might signal that your septic system is not functioning properly. This is due to the fact that extra water from a faulty septic system can cause grass to overgrow.

Septic Tank Inspection and Treatment Process

Septic Tank Inspection and Treatment Process

The process of septic tank inspection and treatment typically involves the following steps:

Septic Tank Pumping

    The first stage in septic tank inspection and treatment is to pump empty the tank. This entails removing solid trash and sludge from the tank to create place for incoming wastewater.


      Following pumping, the septic tank is examined for damage or symptoms of wear and tear. This involves inspecting the inlet and outflow baffles as well as the tank walls.


      If any damage is discovered during the examination, the septic system must be repaired. This might entail repairing or replacing broken pipes, replacing the septic tank, or building a new drain field.


      Following any required repairs, the septic system is treated with chemicals to help break down any leftover sediments and enhance the general health of the system.

      Tips to Maintain Your Septic System

      To keep your septic system in good condition and prevent costly repairs, here are some tips to follow:

      Regular Pumping 

      Have your septic tank pumped every 3-5 years, depending on the tank’s size and household usage.

      Be Mindful of What You Flush

      Do not flush anything besides human waste and toilet paper down the toilet. Avoid flushing feminine hygiene products, baby wipes, or other non-degradable items, as they can clog the system.

      Watch out for What You Pour Down the Drain

      Do not pour grease, oil, or chemicals down the drain, as they can harm the bacteria that break down waste in your septic system.

      Use Water Efficiently

      Limit water usage and fix any leaks to prevent overloading your septic system.

      Maintain Your Drain field

      Avoid parking or driving over your drain field and keep trees and shrubs away from it to prevent roots from damaging pipes.

      Final Thoughts

      If you want to buy a home with a septic system, it is critical to have a periodic check performed. Septic inspections guarantee that the system is running properly, ensuring the health and safety of your family members. Because these sorts of water purification systems are underground, they are sometimes overlooked by homeowners. But, this carelessness may jeopardize your safety, and you may come to regret it later.

      To guarantee that your septic system is operating properly, get it examined every 3 to 5 years by a competent wastewater treatment operator such as Choice Water Solutions. At Choice Water Solutions, we provide septic tank inspection and sampling in an efficient manner based on your specific needs.

      Call us today! and allow us to serve you best by choosing our superior septic tank inspection and sampling services.

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